From: "Rev. Daniel Conrad (by way of Rev. Eric J. Stefanski, )" To: Subject: CLIMB: Venezuelan News Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:54 PM Subject: CLIMB: Venezuelan News Sent: 8/25/20 6:43 PM Received: 8/27/00 6:04 PM From: Rev. Daniel Conrad, To: Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness, Venezuelan News ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Fellow Redeemed, Greetings in the name of the Lord! The Summer season is now drawing to a close and many people are getting geared up for the new school year. One of our nieces is now settled in to start her freshman year of college. It seems like she was starting Kindergarten just last year. How the time flies! At the beginning of these month, Ruth Paredes, the daughter of Dr. Jaime Paredes died of cancer. She was 18 years of age and was studying law. Dr. Paredes serves the Lord as the national director of our 'Christ For All The Nations' radio program here in Venczuela. The funeral liturgy was conducted by pastor Gerardo Hands and the sermon was preached by Dr. Paredes himself. Remember the Paredes family in your prayers as they recover from the loss of their daughter. Yesterday we traveled to Barquisimeto where the national youth encounter is taking place. Lutheran youth from all parts of Venezuela are participating. We thank God for the fellowship that they are all experiencing at this event! The new semester of our seminary by extension program will be starting on the 1st of September. Dan will be teaching in 4 different regions of Venezuela this semester. The courses that he will be teaching are: The Lutheran Confessions, Liturgy, The Life and Times of St. Paul, Evangelism, and Law and Gospel. This semester will be a busy one but we give thanks to God for the opportunity to train so many national workers. At the present time the construction company is in the process of building the new fence. The foundation has been put in and the columns should be up within a couple of weeks. Progress is slow but sure! Anna will be starting her nursery school on the 18th of September. She is very excited and can't wait for that first day! We rejoice that another step has been accomplished in her adoption process. At the present time, the judges are on vacation but we will be talking to the judge in the latter half of September. Hopefully, we will be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel soon! We give thanks for : * The national youth encounter that is taking place in Barquisimeto. * The regional women's encounter that will commence this coming weekend. * New national workers that are in formation. * Colegio La Concordia in Caracas, as the newly elected officers assume their responsibilities. * The progress that has been made in Anna's adoption progress. * The wedding of Alvaro Fehr and Raquel Kempff that took place on the 5th of August. (Raquel is the daughter of our missionary coordinator, Marcos Kempff.) We pray for: * The new semester of our theological studies institute. * Our seminaries in the U. S. as they get ready for Fall semester. * New national pastors that are in formation. * Evangelistic efforts in Valencia. * The Paredes family, as they mourn the loss of their sister and daughter. Soli Deo Gloria Dan, Kathy, and Anna Conrad (Venezuela) + + + Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness + + + The CLIMB e-letter brings you unedited, uncut reports directly from the mission field, whether in South America, Africa, Europe, inner-city, rural, or collegiate America, or military installations and battle sites around the world. It is our contention that those who truly hold to the ~Book of Concord~ as the pure exposition of Holy Scripture and the true confession of the Christian faith are also the most zealous supporters of the preaching of the Gospel in every corner of the world and, as such, ought to be kept thoroughly informed of how those endeavors are faring and shown how they may be rightly carried out without the destruction of orthodox doctrine and practice that some within the pale of Lutheranism now advocate. You may contact the authors of individual posts to this list simply by using the 'Reply' feature of your email reader (unless otherwise indicated in the above message). Because of the demands of their endeavors, there is the possibility that not all responses will be able to be answered. You may freely discuss the contents of these columns on other mail lists AND, (unless otherwise indicated) as long as proper acknowledgement is provided, you may reprint them for dissemination via free media. List subscription instructions (found below) should also be included. Subscribe? Send any message to: Unsubscribe? Send any message to: For more information on this or other lists offered by Confess And Teach For Unity, you can contact the CAT 41 list administrator at: Rev. Fr. Eric J. Stefanski + + + Confess And Teach For Unity + + +