Subject: CLIMB: Partnership with Lithuanian Seminary Sent: 5/24/99 4:40 PM Received: 5/24/99 6:31 PM From: Eric Stefanski, To: Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness,
[While this is a little different from our usual operating procedure, I believe this to be significant enough to warrant inclusion on this list. To keep up-to-date on the exciting things happening between our seminary and European Lutherans, etc., follow the directions found at the end of this CTS press release. EJG]
Received: 5/24/99 12:28 PM
From: Rev. Scott Klemsz,
For immediate release
(Fort Wayne, IN)-Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) and the Department for Evangelical Theology, Klaipeda, Lithuania, signed an agreement on May 19, 1999, that states that they pledge to work collaboratively at several levels in the service of confessional theological education.
"Concordia Theological Seminary is delighted to have a special relationship and partnership with the Department for Evangelical Theology at the University of Klaipeda and with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania. Bishop Vyskupas Jonas Kalvanas and Prof. Dr. Stasys Vaitekunas have signed the articles of agreement, which provide for exchange of professors and students, as well as joint efforts in theological education," said Dr. Dean O. Wenthe, President of CTS. "This is a special blessing for our seminary in that we learn from our fellow Lutherans and have an opportunity to assist them in their efforts to hold up Christ in the post-communist context of Lithuania."
This partnership is elaborated in separate concrete treatises on the following points:
1) cooperation in the field of students' education;
2) cooperation in the field of theological research;
3) other faculty assistance;
4) common witness to the Lutheran confession.
Dr. William Weinrich, Academic Dean at CTS, said, "The needs of the Baltic Lutheran churches for theological education and for institutional support are great. This is true also of the smallest of these Lutheran churches, namely, the Lutheran Church of Lithuania. We have been impressed by the witness to the Gospel, which the people and pastors of these churches have made during a long period of persecution and suppression. We have also been impressed by the desire of these churches to be witnesses to the Lutheran confession in their contemporary life. However, for this to occur, we need to be proactive in our support for them in their struggles and needs. The partnership agreement between Concordia Theological Seminary and the church in Lithuania represents our response to this great task. We look forward to working with the faculty and students of the Lutheran Church of Lithuania, and we hope that we can also be supportive in the continuing education of its clergy. This agreement opens a tremendous opportunity for us and for the Missouri Synod to be vigorous supporters of the Lutheran confessional theology and practice in this area of the world, which has been Lutheran for a long time."
For information about the programs offered at CTS, please contact the Office of Admission at 1-800-481-2155. To help support CTS and its students through a financial contribution, please call the seminary Development Office toll free at 1-877-287-4338.
Text of this and all seminary press releases are available electronically via CTSNEWS. To subscribe, send an e-mail to MAILSERV@CRF.CUIS. EDU. Leave the subject line blank, and type the following as the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE CTSNEWS.
For more information, contact:
Monica Robins
Public Relations Officer
Concordia Theological Seminary
6600 N. Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(219) 452-2150
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