Subject: Russia Trip Report
From: Rev. Robert L. Rahn, ++++++++++++++++
TRIP SUMMARY - February 26, 1999 - March 12, 1999
Dear Friends In Christ,
I am using this means to give you an overview of my recent trip to Russia and update you on the mission efforts of the LHF in this and other regions of the world.
"It is written!" Matthew 4:4, 7 & 10
You'll recall that the above phrase was used by Jesus when he was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. I shared the words of that account with staff members in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, and Siberia as being appropriate to their work. Jesus used the Scriptures to counter the devil's attacks. No fancy words, no special philosophy, not even some prescribed steps guaranteeing success, just a direct quote from the Scriptures.
It demonstrates, among other things, the need for a familiarity with the Word of God. That familiarity also means having the Word in ones own language, and having access to the books that will help to unlock the teachings in the Word.
The historic release of the second edition of the Russian Book Of Concord was celebrated during this trip. The addition of a concordance and paragraph numbers will help to make it a more useful tool. It also features appropriate corrections and improvements to the text. Over 1,000 changes were made in the text based on suggestions from a large number of users.
A special autographed copy by chief Russian translator, Konstantin Komarov, was presented to Prof. Ron Feuerhahn, who was lecturing at an LHF-sponsored seminar in Ekaterinburg, Siberia. Prof. Feuerhahn stated that the work of the LHF in providing key theological works will have historic value for Lutheranism throughout the former Soviet Union.
Accompanying me on this two week trip was the Rev. John Fehrmann, LHF Director of Mission Advancement, and Mr. Loren Cook, Good News Distribution Director. Rev. Fehrmann was particularly observing the computer needs of our translation teams as the LHF, through the generosity of a MN donor, is establishing a state of the art computerization program that will connect all workers with our MI headquarters. Computer systems will eventually be provided for every translator working with the LHF on a regular basis.
In Ukraine the translation staff under the direction of LHF Vice President, Slavik Horpynchuk, presented 19 new works that have been translated and are in the review and editing stage. Who Are The Lutherans, by Sasse, Outlines in Theology, by Graebner, and Weekday Primary Materials, are next in line for publishing in Ukrainian. The Book Of Concord will be completed this summer. Individual sections of the Book of Concord will also be published in late spring including the Large Catechism, Formula of Concord, and Apology.
A highlight of the trip was having a delegation of Belarussian Lutherans accept our invitation to meet in Kiev, Ukraine. We were informed that the Lutheran Church in Belarus was organized in 1563 and three Lutheran churches existed until 1956 when they were destroyed and Lutheranism abolished.
The Small Catechism in Belarussian is now at the printer. Bishop Petro Hushcha, the founder of the People's Congregation of the Augsburg Confession, sent special greetings and indicated his recent arrest does not permit him to travel. He reported that the members of his parish are preparing to continue the rebuilding of the church he was working on when he was arrested without cause and held in prison for eight months. The members have gathered 27,000 bricks for the construction. The delegation voiced their intent by saying: "we will have to fight the government but we will fight to the end."
Bishop Hushcha and the Belarussian Lutherans have completed the translation of the Gospels and they will soon be ready for publishing. This is the first phase of a total translation of the Bible which is currently not available in Belarussian. The translation team will also prepare a Lutheran Service Book and begin work on the Book of Concord.
Luggage coming back was packed to capacity with sample copies of recent releases in Russian, including the second edition of the Book of Concord, Christian Dogmatics, by J.T. Mueller; Studies in Creationism, by Klotz; Dying To Live, by Senkbeil; The Lord's Supper, by Chemnitz; God's No/Yes (2nd printing) by Walther; Koehler Catechism (2nd printing); and Selected Writings of Luther (2nd printing).
The trip offered an opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of our new distribution system in Russia. Each of our distribution centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk) was asked to identify where books had been sent in the past three months. A flag marked each location on a map and the visual effect was dramatic, pin pointing locations throughout the former Soviet. The Moscow office will continue to improve the control and monitoring of the distribution network. We have recently received requests to establish additional distribution points in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Omsk and are investigating how best to meet these needs.
In Ekaterinburg, Siberia, we attended the LHF sponsored seminar for lay leaders. Vicar Alexey Trapeznikov made the arrangements and Dr. Ron Feuerhahn provided the lectures. A development the day before our arrival was the topic of much discussion. The city of Ekaterinburg is offering the Lutherans a parcel of land for a church in an ideal location downtown. While the LHF had no direct involvement in this offer, our work in this region for the past five years has helped to establish a confessional Lutheran presence.
A meeting in Novosibirsk featured discussion with the Rev. Vsevolod Lytkin and branch personnel in regards to a possible future translation center. During the trip meetings were also held with the Rev. John Mehl, the Rev. Terry Timm, and Mr. Morris Olson, LCMS World Mission personnel, in regards to translation needs and book distribution. Contact was also made with WELS missionary personnel in Novosibirsk.
In Riga, Latvia, a meeting was held with Archbishop Janis Vanags, the Rev. Guntis Kalme, and Dr. Reinhold Szalenska relative to the seminary program and necessary books. The LHF was again asked to promote the need for additional English and German theological works for the seminary library. A tour was given of the seminary building being remodeled for occupancy later this year if additional funding is found for reconstruction.
A meeting at the Augsburg Institute provided copies of the Formula of Concord in Latvian published with funds provided by the LHF. The release of the entire Book of Concord is projected to take place before the end of the year.
A trip to Lithuania enabled a meeting with Archbishop Jonas Kalvanas and our Lithuanian translation team. Fundamental Christian Beliefs, by Arndt has been published, along with a booklet on the Office of the Holy Ministry and Women's Ordination, by Wollenburg. Here I Stand, by Bainton is translated and in final review before going to press.
While on the trip we received word from Sri Lanka that the Augsburg Confession had been completed in Sinhalese as well as other sections of the Book of Concord. From Africa we received a request to print an additional 100,000 Small Catechisms in Swahili for distribution in Kenya, Tanzania, and Sudan. This will be the third press-run for this volume and will bring the total number published to 150,000.
It is becoming more interesting to see books completed in a variety of languages. We are currently working on an updated listing of all books available in some 25 different languages, works in progress, and those projected for the future. We are also investigating the opening of translation work in Thailand, Laos, and Burma.
In addition to the Book of Concord projects, we have several other long range translation/publishing efforts under way- the 38 volume Concordia Commentary Series in Russian, Latvian, and Ukrainian, the Preus Confessional Dogmatics Series in Russian, and Ukrainian and a compendium of Luther's Works. Long range activity also includes the translation of the notes and other materials in the Concordia Self Study Bible into Russian. The Pentateuch has been completed.
It is our goal to continue to provide all books and materials that are published free of charge to all missionary personnel and also to churches and individuals who request copies of these valuable resources.
In a few weeks we will once again be at Calvary revisiting a scene where there was a controversy over the writing on the cross. A change was requested, but Pilate said: "What I have written I have written!" (John 19:22) The truth stands today through the written and published Word and the LHF is doing what God permits so that the truth stands for future generations around the world. We are not powerful enough to do this but God's published truth will provide the power.
May God use us to that end.
In Christ the Crucified,
Rev. Robert L. Rahn
LHF Executive Director